Summarizes the significance of Illinois SB 2979, which significantly reduces the damages available under Illinois’ BIPA and limits the danger of catastrophic damages awards that could bankrupt smaller employers.

Explores the Visual Pak case and its impact on whether insurers in Illinois have an obligation to defend their insureds in BIPA litigation.

Discusses the rationale for FTC changes to Safeguards Rule, as well as noting types of business entities affected. Includes brief history of Rules’ origins.

Describes changes in redaction requirements for all materials filed in Missouri courts from updates and revisions to the Missouri Rule of Civil Procedure.
Explains changes made to appropriate venues for challenging Illinois administrative rules, executive orders, and constitutionality of state laws. Includes pros and cons of those changes.

Using Remprex v. Lloyd’s London, this post analyzes the mixed rulings surrounding the question: is the defense of BIPA lawsuits covered by insurance.